Coastcare is a local community volunteer group which meets the 3rd Sunday of the each month 9.00 am – 12.00 pm at the Mermaids Pool carpark. The group tackles problems like dune erosion, loss of native plants and animals, weeds and control of human access to sensitive areas. Dorset NRM supports this enthusiastic band of volunteers in various ways.

Bridport coastline is a natural playground. Volunteers work to keep our naturally vegetated coastal ecosystems intact.
Coastcare was formed as part of the Landcare system in the past. Officially Coastcare and Landcare have now been replaced by the Caring for our Country and the various NRM organisations around the country.
Bridport Coastcare Mission Statement
To participate in the planning, promotion and facilitation of sustainable management of the Bridport Coastal Environment.
(a) To reverse land, water and vegetation degradation through strategic on ground actions.
(b) To increase awareness about ecologically sustainable land and water use and specific “Coastcare” practices.
(c) To work co-operatively with the land manages including all relevant government departments and the community to achieve sustainable natural resource management.
(d) To increase awareness about coastal land (including vegetation), marine and water degradation and its control and prevention.
(e) To promote and encourage the Coastcare ethic in school children by involving schools in Group activities.
(f) To promote and encourage stewardship and Coastcare ethic in the general community and to organise social activities for this purpose for the whole community.
(g) To obtain funding assistance for all the purposes listed through self-funding, the Natural Heritage Trust, other government program funding, community fund-raising and sponsorship.
(h) To implement and review the current Bridport Foreshore Management Plan, Granite Point to Pier Point (1999).
(i) To encourage and facilitate the development and implementation of management plans for the Bridport area.
(j) To undertake any other activities which are consistent with the sustainable management plans of the Bridport Coastal Environment.
(k) To be a representative body of community, industry and government interests involved in natural resource management of the Bridport Coastal Environment.
For more information on how you can participate as a volunteer contact one of the friendly volunteers at the Pavilion, or just turn up at the carpark on the 3rd Sunday of each month.