Multi-Nature Circuit

Circuit Map, Bridport Walking Track An 11 Km circuit accessible to the village of Bridport yet a multinature experience incorporating 4 different distinct walking environments; river, forest, foreshore and wildflower.  This is a unique circuit that can be easily walked by young and old, with various entry and exit points. 

Welcome to Country

Welcome to Bridport CountryBridport welcomes you to the coastal plains nation of the leenerrerter clan. The Bridport Walking Track circuit is on land that for over 35,000 years of Aboriginal history was a significant part of the lives of the Coastal Plains Nation.

Spectacular Bridport

Granite Point Bridport

Bridport Aerial

 Throughout Bridport’s development a natural foreshore has been retained with coastal vegetation, granite rocks, many beaches and safe and sheltered swimming areas.



There's no where else you can walk through ancient forests, pay respect to the traditional owners, enjoy river landscapes, relax on secluded beaches, discover the history of a unique foreshore, delight in abundant native wildflowers and all within easy reach of a welcoming seaside village.